In the industrial treatment and trade tobacco is classified according to the appropriate quality properties and use value as follows.
- tobacco for smoking (for cigar, cigarettes and pipe)
- tobacco for sniffing and
- tobacco for chewing
Technological classification is made according to the drying way as follows:
- tobacco dried in the shadow ( light air cured – AC ) – berley
- tobacco dried in the artificial way – by warm air ( flue cured – FC ) - virginia
- tobacco dried in the sun ( light sun cured – SC ) – oriental
- tobacco dried in the shade ( dark air cured ) cigar type
Tobacco types
- Berley – Owing to its properties it is possible to use this type in the cigarette production as well as in the tobacco pipe production and chewing tobacco. This is the main ingredient for American blend. This type of tobacco requires the special technological treatment in order to obtain smelling aroma of American blend cigarette that is the most representative cigarette at the market. Berley gives also some physiological strength that is its characteristic. Maximum quality properties of this tobacco are great in the upper and middle leaves.
- Virginia – Maximum quality properties of this tobacco type are clearly marked in the upper and middle leaves. Virginia is the most representative tobacco type according to the growing and also to the cigarette. By smoking it gives the delicious taste a good burning and some physiological strength. It is used for the cigarette production of American and English type.
- Oriental – This tobacco having intensive sweet taste with some noble aroma that is its character, but without physiological strength. It is used for American blend cigarette production as well as for oriental cigarette type. Maximum quality properties of this tobacco are the most representative in the upper part of plant.