Smoking causes many diseases such as lungs cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular damages that can have fatal end. Like the responsible Company we are award completely that smoking represents some risk. Our task isn’t to convince the people to smoke, but we produce the goods and brand of a good quality that the adults can use who took early the decision to smoke on their own.

We believe strongly that the smokers can be only adults who are award of the risk that can be brought with cigarettes. Risks regarding the smoking are the topic of many health studies showing that the persons, being the active smokers during the whole life, have more possibility to catch the above mentioned diseases that appear more often in them than with the non – smokers. These risks will be bigger if the persons begin to smoke in early youth or the cigarettes are consumed for long time and if they smoke a great quantity of cigarettes per day.

What is the most important to know about smoking risks?

  • Smoking causes serious diseases brining death
  • Health risk depends on many factors and the biggest is the people smoking more years and more cigarettes a day.
  • Risk diminishes with people giving up the smoking and especially if they give up the smoking more before.
  • Experts consult that the women don’t smoke during pregnancy.
  • The only one way to escape the risks of smoking is not to smoke.

Can people give up the smoking?

Giving up the smoking can be long and very difficult process. It’s very important, that the smokers deciding to give up cigarettes, to be motivated believing in themselves.

Many smokers thing to be addict of cigarettes being aware of all risks and they continue to smoke saying that giving up is very difficult for then. However, about one million of smokers stopped smoking without any medical help and million of them adapt their habit according to the Law and social standard and rules.

What is it important to know when people decide to give up smoking?

  • Giving up smoking can be difficult. Everybody deciding to begin to smoke must take into consideration that will be difficult later to stop smoking.
  • Motivation and believing into oneself are crucial during giving up.
  • A million of people gave up successfully smoking
  • In brochures of health organization and in other sources can find consulting for giving up smoking.
  • Our duty isn’t to convince people to smoke nor to prevent of giving up. We believe that every adult smoker deciding to stop smoking he ought to do it.